• Qualified applicants, who live in Oconee County and earn less than 150% of Federal Poverty Level 2023 1-16-23 guidelines, can receive food once every 30 days.
  • Income limits and other documentation apply to the HOUSEHOLD. A HOUSEHOLD is everyone living at the same address.
  • If you have questions please call us at 864-882-3610 between the hours of 10 am and noon Monday through Friday or come to physical location: 635 Business Park Drive, Seneca, SC. Turn onto Business Park Drive from Wells Highway at the United States Flag landmark.

(NOTE: Our policy is to give food to those in need at the their first visit even if they do not have the all the required information)

Specific Documentation Needed:

  1. Residency Verification: A picture ID showing that you are a resident of Oconee County. (For the applicant representing the household only, not each household member). On a temporary basis can bring a utility bill, lease, vehicle registration, voter registration, or other form of government or institution issued ID.
  2. Household size verification: Documentation that everyone claimed in the household actually exists. This documentation could be birth certificate, student report card, day care record, immunization record, school report, or other form of government or institution issued ID.
  3. Income Verification: Please bring a paystub or income information, or current SNAP eligibility letter or unemployment income information EACH VISIT.
    • If on disability or Social Security: please bring verification of status and income for CURRENT year. (Then do not need again until January of next calendar year). Note: If there are minor children receiving benefits in the household please bring verification of their checks also.
    • If unemployed: Please bring a letter from the unemployment office (SC Works or Goodwill Job Connection) each visit.
    • If filed for disability: Please bring most recent letter of intent. Letter may be from lawyer. If the letter is more than 6 months old please request an updated letter.
    • For students 18 and over: Please bring verification that they are currently enrolled (i.e. report card, tuition receipt, student ID, etc.)
Copyright Golden Corner Food Pantry