The Board of Directors of the Golden Corner Food Pantry honored Cecil Rigby today upon his retirement after 14 years of dedicated service to the Pantry. Cecil started out as a volunteer driver, picking up food donations from WalMart in Seneca. That didn’t last long, though. Once we found out about Cecil’s extensive computer skills, he was asked to take on the task of helping the Pantry move into the computer age. Along with other volunteers and the Board of Directors, Cecil was one of the primary individuals involved in selecting the food pantry management software we use, and in setting up and implementing our transition to computer recordkeeping for all our client visits. He helped lead training sessions for all the front office volunteers, patiently answering our questions and correcting our mistakes– many of the front office volunteers had never done any computer data entry, so this was not an easy task! Over the years, he has kept the hardware in good working order, trained new front office volunteers, made software updates as needed, and made sure the database of client records was as error-free as possible. He also served as an interviewer on Fridays and a captain on first Saturdays or as needed on other days. It is a huge understatement to say that we will miss him– and his wife, Irene, too! Thank you, Cecil and Irene, for your many years of dedicated service. Happy retirement!

Copyright Golden Corner Food Pantry