In 2016 the Golden Corner Food Pantry received a $30,000 grant from the Walmart Foundation’s State Giving Program to help us continue to provide Improved Nutrition emergency and supplemental food to the disadvantaged and low income residents of Oconee County, South Carolina.

We are especially grateful for Walmart Foundation’s generosity. This grant will allow us to proceed with our Improved Nutrition Program for another year, providing fresh milk, whole grain cereal and other nutrition items beyond donated food. Over half of Food Pantry clients are family households, many with small children, and these nutritional items are especially important for their well-being.

In addition to the Walmart Foundation grant, local Walmart stores typically donate over 1000 lbs. of food every day to the Food Pantry!

Walmart Representatives Clint Harris and Tammy Eidson
present a check to the Food Pantry Board of Directors

Copyright Golden Corner Food Pantry